Rue Centrale 33
CH-2500 Biel/Bienne
Phone: +41 (0)32 322 68 82
Fax: +41 (0)32 322 69 20
Opening hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
08h30 – 18h30
Saturday: 08h30 – 17h00
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Théâtre du Passage, Neuchâtel. 2009.

When a distinguished private bank invites its most important clients to an evening’s entertainment in the region’s flagship theatre, everything – including floral arrangements – needs to rise to the occasion.

Karin continued her close, longstanding relationship with Banque CIC Suisse, decorating exterior and interior reception areas, buffets, stage and theatre seating with a classic selection of late summer whites and greens.

Dinner tables, arranged on the theatre stage itself, were given soaring two-tier arrangements lending both height and scale to the decoration.